jueves, 11 de abril de 2013

Best Training, Plugins, Software, Books for Designers

If there is something we designers and artist want, and need, is to keep up with the latest software and techniques on the market. I've found a new site called www.cgpeers.com where you can download torrents about almost everything you will need to learn to be proficient in any software you want.

If a software works for your learning, download it! If you like it, buy it!

Just sign in on the site and start downloading!, but there is a catch, you need to have a good seeding and downloading rate, its not just about downloading, this site encourages sharing, so share!

I totally recommend it!

martes, 9 de abril de 2013

Creating Blend Shapes

I've been developing recently a new character, its a cute baby dragon :). I haven't been able to use blend shapes until now and i wanted to walk you guys through my process in doing so. For those who do not know what blend shapes are a way to store deformations on your character in a way of "attributes" where you can go back and forth between different expressions on your models. (Sad, Angry, Sleepy, etc.)

Since I've been using Zbrush for modeling and texturing and Maya for everything else i decided to deform my character's face using Zbrush by simply exporting my Dragon's face in OBJ. format and importing it to Zbrush.

There i basically used 2 brushes, the Standard and the Move Brush to get to the different expressions ive needed, in Zbrush i can easily and very quickly make various expressions in my character in a form of Subtools (Layer-Looking space on the right side of Zbrush), when i had every expression i think i will need, i simply press "Export" on the tool palette and it will export every subtool separately as OBJ files.

There we go! as you can see, you can create different shapes for your character without the need to start pushing and pulling vertices, which would take you hours, instead of minutes. Now, to apply the blend shapes to  your character you need to select all the different head models (or the model you modified) and lastly select the MAIN HEAD, in my case is the one on the far left, and go to Create Deformers > Blend Shape.

That's it! you have your blend shapes applied to your character...but wait, where do i see them?, go to your attribute editor and on inputs you will see them or you could head to Window > Animation Editors > Blend Shape. IT LIVESSSS!!! Adjust the values and see it come to life.

Well that's a quick look at how blend shapes work, pretty easy i would say. Now you know as much as me about blend shapes, Congratulations! ill keep exploring this tool, hope you will too.

Want to know more about blend shapes, here are some links i thought would be nice to look at.



lunes, 8 de abril de 2013

Double Happy Vehicle Design Competition

I wanted to share this design competition I participated in, it was a lot of fun and as always I learned a lot in the process.


Heres the brief (from http://www.game-artist.net)


You need to design and present a Quagflier.
It is up to you how much WIP you want to show along the way, flyarounds, mesh topology, textures, concept art etc is definitely desirable, and may help to sway the judges, but the final entry will be one 1920x1080 image. You can show many angles within this image, or one dynamic action shot. However you present this though, it is important that the vehicle suits the purpose defined in the Quagflier description below. 


The Oolark hunt in a raiding team of four, with each vehicle carrying a Driver, a Spotter and two Hunters. The raiding teams need to find, chase down and capture alive the elusive Shyala. The Spotter wields a powerful spotlight to both find and then stun the Shyala. After having their senses overloaded, the Shyala are easy prey and very few recover quickly enough to escape the brutal Hunters.

The vehicle they travel in is known as a Quagflier. The Quagflier is capable of easily traversing the choked swampy marshes of Pharos. Each Quagflier is capable of transporting a maximum of 20 Shyala prisoners (although in nothing resembling comfort). The wellbeing of the prisoners is not high on the list of priorities for the Oolark crew, however it is important that the Shyala arrive alive and in one piece. 
Quagfliers are powered by Glitzer bugs and also use Glitzers to power the spotlights needed to track down hiding, and fleeing, Shyala.

Each Oolark squad customises their Quagflier, with competition between rival squads getting pretty intense. The Quagfliers take a bit of a beating each time they go out on a raid, and so adhoc repairs between hunts is the norm. Quagfliers are fast and brutal, as are the Oolarks that use them. 


The Oolark are strong and relatively well fed, some even a little fat. Over years of being exposed to too much light, they have difficulty seeing in the dark. They praise light and power. Some of the more wealthy wear the Glitzer bugs as jewellery like one might wear gold.

Whilst they have developed superior electric technology, the rest of their tech has reached a plateau in the steam age, mostly because they have become a race of warriors who rely on strength, power and fear to survive. In more recent years, the Glitzer Bugs have become more and more scarce, ever making them more reliant on the generosity of their Leader to provide for them.


The Shyala have grown accustomed to their dark and murky surroundings, with overly large eyes and relatively pale green skin. Whilst survival has meant they have become very good at navigating swampland most of them are skinny, and vastly malnourished. Every day for them is a day of struggle and hardship. Food is scarce, and with enemies everywhere they are forever on their guard. They are a relatively primitive group of people who practice ancient tribal rituals, often banding together for a sense of safety and belonging. 


1st Place 
CGWorkshop Course valued at $599USD
Wacom Intuous 5 Large tablet valued at $469USD 
Production Credit (The winner will be approached by the Double Happy team about including their design in the production of the game demo)

2nd Place 

Massive Black Volume 2 (slip cased editions) from Ballistic valued at $65USD
Selection of Double Happy Merchandise $200USD

Top 5 

The top 5 entries will receive detailed feedback on their work from our esteemed judging panel detailing how they felt it could be improved or highlighting excellence in design. This feedback will be available to review on the Double Happy website. 

I loved being involved in this and all the submissions were masterpieces. Unfortunately the competition is over and the judges hopefully will announce the winners this week. Ill Keep you posted!
Heres the Forum Thread for all the submissions:

Here is my submission: